VDMA Managing Director Thilo Brodtmann on the Chips Act: “Chip Factories In Europe Must Fit The Industry”

Regarding the “Chips Act” of the EU Commission and the role of mechanical and plant engineering for the technological sovereignty of the EU

Courtesy of VDMA

VDMA Managing Director Thilo Brodtmann says:

“With the Chips Act, the EU Commission is starting an ambitious race to catch up with planned investments totaling 47 billion euros. This can only succeed if the EU uses the funds strategically in order to expand market shares in key technologies. The planned chip factories in Europe should The needs of mechanical engineering – one of the largest European industrial sectors – must be taken into account here: These are in the order of >16 nanometers for chips, which will not change fundamentally by the end of 2030. The Commission must ensure that this is the case , that the focus is not only on factories for 2 nanometer chips, but also takes into account the needs of the broad masses of European industry.

Sovereignty comes from efficient value chains and excellent production technology. Then  there are not only export opportunities for European companies, but also strong positions for the EU in the world market for semiconductors, as well as mutual dependencies. The chances are good: There are many EU companies – also in mechanical and plant engineering – that offer the world’s leading technologies for chip production. The EU can build on this strength. It is therefore fundamentally good that the Chips Act is broad in scope. However, we call on the EU Commission and member states to focus on the strategic strengths in production technology and international cooperation when designing it.”

Thilo Brodtmann, Executive Director of VDMA. Courtesy of: VDMA
“Sovereignty comes from efficient value chains and excellent production technology.”
says Thilo Brodtmann, General Manager of the VDMA.


Source: VDMA

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