Reaching farmers and agribusiness professionals, “Agritechnica on Tour” is a new series of virtual events, each exploring a farm machinery-related topic in Poland, Romania, South East Asia the UK and the Ukraine and the CIS region to be launched at the pre-show online platform “Agritechnica digital” on 16 November when the first event Asia and Horti Asia Regional Summit takes place online.

In the context of agricultural machinery, the focus of the Agritechnica trade fair, each online country event explores practices and trends that will equip the attendees with knowledge they can apply while making their final investment decisions on machinery at Agritechnica in Hanover, Germany. Attendees of the Agritechnica on Tour are privy to a preview of Agritechnca 2022, in addition to access to the experts and practitioners, who will present not only new findings but also practical experience.
“The demand for new knowledge on smarter farming never stops. Knowledge acquisition at Agritechnica ranks among a farmer’s top methods to increase efficiency. The Agritechnica on Tour series delivers concentrated, country specific information to farmers in a way that inspires debate. After the sessions, participants will return to their farm business, investment-ready and with new impetus,”
says Freya von Czettritz, Agritechnica Project Manager.

Agritechnica organiser DLG (German Agricultural society) together with its long-standing partners in each of the countries are defining the topics that occupy farmers right now, four month ahead of the Agritechnica trade fair, from sustainable land use and trends in future machinery ownership to efficient and autonomous machines.
Events planned in first phase (see details of each event in link below):Â
- Asia: Agritechnica Asia and Horti Asia Regional Summit online event sustainable food production, 16 and 17 November.
- CIS and Ukraine: Focus on startups in the CIS regions and their innovative solutions for agriculture, 18 November.
- Italy: Challenges in large scale farming in Northern Italy – reducing soil compaction and soil erosion through differentiated soil tillage strategies, 19 January
- UK: Green Efficiency – New opportunities for British Farming, 30 November
- Romania: Sustainable Agriculture through Technology, 9 December
- Poland: Green Efficiency – challenges and threats in the perspective of the next five years for Polish agriculture , January 2022
The events will attract farmers, agribusiness professionals, representatives from agri-organizations, academics and other experts. Events are free to attend with prior registration required.
The Agritechnica on Tour series, which is underpinned by Agritechnica’s guiding theme Green Efficiency – inspired by solutions”, will be held on DLG’s professional event platform “Agritechnica digital”. Launched in February this year for the “EuroTier digital” event – which pulled in over 41,000 farming professionals – the online platform has already hosted over 400 professional events including the international Field Robot Event contest. Agritechnica digital precedes the in-person trade fair and offers specialist knowledge through events such as the new Agritechnica on Tour, preparing farmers for Agritechnica, where they can inspect the real machinery close-up.
An independent, non-profit professional organisation with over 30,000 members, DLG manages 40 practical working groups consisting of industry, practice and professional bodies that analyze topics in-depth such as precision farming, tillage strategies and operational efficiency. To identify new practices for the sector, DLG’s International Crop Production Center, a 600-hectare site, conducts plot trials on crop rotations, cultivation, irrigation and machinery tests. DLG is also home Europe’s largest test center for agricultural machinery. Through its subsidiary DLG International that focuses exclusively on exhibitions, DLG is represented in 12 countries: Bulgaria, China, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Zambia.