Caprari presents its own Digital House: a brand new virtual online space dedicated to event hosting, webinars, and finding out about new products.

Caprari Digital House is the Group’s answer to a historic moment in which, in light of Covid-19, the way we live and work is changing drastically across the globe. Due to these changes, Caprari Group has decided to seize the chance to implement a dynamic and innovative virtual space, online from the 16th of February 2021.
At the heart of this particular project are two words: flexibility and digitalization. Caprari Digital House is a new way to serve and support even our remote customers, enabling us to offer an authentic experience for those who want to enter the world of Caprari, get to grips with know-how gained through 75 years of experience, and participate in online events and special promotions.
Caprari Digital House is much more than a simple exhibition space: it is an interactive environment where you can find products in 3D, see and share technical videos, and sign up for webinars made directly by Project Managers. It is a multilingual space, available 24/7 to anyone who needs it at any moment.
As a communications hub, it’s perfect for welcoming and talking with customers in live chat and making appointments online in real-time with readily available sales staff. Moreover, it’s the perfect way to stay up to date with all the advantages and exceptional characteristics which make Caprari’s water management solutions trustworthy and competitive the best in the industry.
Marcello Petrucci, Corporate Sales and Marketing Director, adds:
“We are delighted to be offering our customers a complete digital experience. Caprari Digital House represents a new frontier on top of our existing, traditional networks, which is sure to reinforce relationships with our clients and allow us to continue being protagonists in the world of water cycle solutions. Exploring Caprari Digital House gives online users the opportunity to traverse a space in which they can find out about our products, complemented by a series of videos and technical data. But that’s not all: to render virtual visits even more worthwhile, one can book a video call and then talk with remote Caprari experts, from sellers to product managers. And this is only the beginning: in 2021 we plan to expand our range of digital services even further. For example, we are currently planning a virtual factory tour that will allow customers to enter the facility and see first-hand how our products are created. A strategic approach towards digitalization which will only further reinforce our global presence”.